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Nominations for Parent Governors

The governing body of your school has one vacancy for a parent governor and is looking for parents who have children at the school. The term ‘parent’ relates to any person who has ‘parental responsibility’ as defined by the Section 576 of the Education Act 1996.  If you have any queries about your eligibility as a parent, please contact the Head Teacher for further advice.

We are looking for parents who have the skills required to contribute to effective governance and the success of the school. Your skills may include personal attributes, qualities and capabilities, such as the ability and willingness to learn and develop new skills.

Each nomination must be received at the school by 10.00 am on Tuesday 28th January 2020.

Nominations should be sealed in an envelope marked ‘Nomination for Parent Governor’ and may be delivered by hand, sent with your child, or by post to the school.  Electronic nominations must be returned to

The Parent Governor Letter was also posted home.


Endeavour Academy