Meet Our Class Representatives:
Churchmoor Lane Site
P1 Charlie Mounteney-Jackson / Oliver Waters
P2 Stuart Lee/ Mackenzie Asquith
P3 Tillie Morrison / Camron Parry
M1 Zakk Smith / Bobby Cheney
M2 Jack Young / Daniel Hattersley / Heath Roberts
Sherbrook Road Site
U3 Owen Brown / Nancy Raymer
U4 Callum Patrick
U5 Alex Woollands / Joshua Thacker
P16 Sophie Rimmington / Midje Ezzat
What we have achieved for our school:
- Pets in school 2012
- Salad bar at lunch time 2013
- Ipad and more computers 2013-14
- New outside play equipment on Churchmoor Lane Site Autumn 2014
- Increased Options for learning at KS4 Summer 2014
- Sports clubs at Lunchtimes Autumn 2015 (Churchmoor Site)