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Floralands Farm Park visit

23rd May 2024 
Students in Beech class, concluded their latest Geography topic on Land Use this week by visiting Floralands Farm Park. All students showed excellent behaviour and it was a pleasure to take them out. We had a great day and it was a lovely way to end the half term. Well done Beech Class!! 

Additional inset days Feb 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,
As part of our work with the Local Authority to make improvements to the school, we have been allocated two additional inset days on Monday 19th February and Tuesday 20th February 2024.

We will be using these days to work with other professionals to complete training in TEAM TEACH, this will further develop our behaviour management strategies particularly in the area of the prevention and de-escalation of incidents.

I apologise for the short notice, but it will be a valuable opportunity to move forward in improving our school.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind Regards,
Cathy Clay
Head Teacher

APC and Mapperley and Arnold Rotary help turn vision into reality

Alan Langton of Arnold Parochial Charities, someone we are extremely grateful to for supporting the development of our Adventure School (see previous post), helped reintroduce DMS with the Mapperley and Arnold Rotary clubs (who, a few years ago now, very kindly provided the school with a 16-seater minibus).

Reconnecting with Rotary – and further funding support from APC and Mapperley and Arnold clubs – has being nothing short of amazing!

After a brief presentation to Rotary about an aspirational idea to provide an Onsite Alternative Provision service for students who would benefit from more 1:1 pathway-led learning opportunities in areas such as construction, mechanics, and/ or participation in outdoor personal development focused activities, the dream had a chance of becoming a reality.

Long story short, a simple sketch for a pretty basic shelter in which students could engage with hands-on practical study towards a range of vocational BTEC units, is materialising as a concrete-floored, roomy 3 bay workspace that will, once finished, be powered, lit and heated.

Thanks to the hard work and commitment of a bunch of Rotary members, particularly Chris Rollinson who has PMed the project and sourced the materials and mobilised Rotary members, over several months, the building is well on the way to completion. And huge thanks to D & J Projects for their hard work digging out an uneven space with an awkward bank, installing a retaining wall and soak-away and laying a large concrete base. They provided materials at cost and volunteered many hours of labour in order to kick-start the project. Without everyone’s kindness and passion for our project, none of this would have happened.

The gallery below shows the progress from start to the current progress. More updates will follow as we move nearer to completion.

APC Support DMS Outdoor Learning

When Alan Longton from Arnold Parochial Charities contacted the school about potentially helping us develop our outdoor area and DofE programme, we saw a future that didn’t involve storm-damaged and leaky gazebo’s and donated old frame tents.

One thing led to another, and after Alan’s visit and backing of what we were trying to achieve, he released some funds that enabled us to have built two more substantial and weather-ready shelters – one of cooking and food prep, and one for washing up.

The photos below show how these shelters helped transform the Adventure School area and help improve our outdoor and DofE provision.

We are immensely grateful to Alan and the Board of APC.

Visiting The National Holocaust Centre

Students in M4 recently concluded their latest history topic by visiting The National Holocaust Centre and Museum in Newark. Students were exceptionally well behaved and were a pleasure to take out, demonstrating excellent levels of respect towards what has been a sensitive subject. Well done, M4!

Laura Williams

Group A Strep and Scarlett Fever

You will be aware of the coverage in the media concerning Group A streptococcus infections, also known as Group A strep, strep A or GAS.

Group A strep is a common bacteria, which many of us carry in our throats and on our skin.  It doesn’t always result in illness, but it can cause infections, some mild and some more serious.

More serious infections are caused by the bacteria getting into parts of the body where it’s not usually found, like the lungs or bloodstream.  These are usually linked to invasive group A strep also known as iGAS.

iGAS infections are still uncommon, but there has been a slight increase in cases this year nationally, particularly in children under 10, and sadly a small number of deaths.  This is understandably very worrying for parents, schools and early years providers.

The increase in cases is being investigated, but is not thought to be because of a new strain of bacteria.  It is more likely to be as a result of a number of factors including more social mixing and increases in other respiratory illnesses.

The key messages for parents document attached details the importance of good hand and respiratory hygiene and these will reduce the risk of children picking up or spreading infections and should be encouraged in all settings.

Group A Strep Key Messages To Parents

EYA Strep A

EYA Scarlet Fever

Derrymount School