2021 / 2022 Pupil Premium
2020 / 2021 Pupil Premium – How it is used and impact
Pupil premium is the additional funding which is given to schools so that they can close the attainment gap which exists between eligible pupils and their peers. In the financial year 2020 / 2021 we have 54 pupils who receive pupil premium which represents over half of the school. This year we received £62,668.
Allocation | Amount |
Notts CC | £35,750 |
Service Children | £310 |
LAC | £8,268 |
PLAC | £18,415 |
Additional fund LAC working from home | £300 |
Expenditure to date:
Provision | Impact | Expenditure to date |
Support staffing and 1:1 tuition | 1:1 tuition has enabled some pupils to have extra input on literacy and their reading and writing have improved as a result. Some pupils have been able to have extra tuition on their GCSE work and this has helped them to catch up on missed work during the lockdowns. 1:1 supervision at break times has enabled some pupils to access groups, improving their ability to interact with other pupils and reduce incidents of challenging behaviour. |
£38,00 |
Laptops | All pupils now have laptops which has helped them access remote learning during periods of lockdown / self isolation. Having their own laptop has helped develop a sense of responsibility for some pupils. Having their own laptop has supported some pupils in their writing and the use of “coloured veils” on laptops has helped some pupils with dyslexia in their reading. |
£16,490 |
Breakfast provision | Provision of breakfast in the morning enables pupils to start the day ready to learn. This is particularly the case for pupils who have a long journey into school and who do not always have time / want to eat breakfast before travelling. | £500 |
Pet supplies | Therapy pets enable pupils in school to develop a sense of responsibility and also help them to remain calm. | £200 |
Music tuition | Learning an instrument has improved pupils’ musical skills and raised their self esteem. Some pupils have been able to perform a piece of music in front of an audience. Some pupils have found music therapeutic and are able to use their musical skills to help regulate their behaviour and sensory issues. |
£2,000 |
Sensory | Provision of sensory equipment such as wobble cushions, weighted blankets, hammocks and fidget toys have helped pupils to remain calm, regulate their own sensory needs and helped their emotional mental health and wellbeing . This has led to greater engagement in learning, a reduction in incidents of challenging behaviour and maintained some pupils’ attendance in school. | £2,000 |
Mountain bike | This has enabled a pupil to achieve independent travel to and from school. | £180 |
Items for working at home | Games, art and sports items have enabled a pupil to work from home during lockdown in a way that engaged him in learning so he was able to make some progress and helped him to remain calm. | £300 |