Parent Mentors

Parent mentors provide a support service for new and existing parents. Our Parent Mentors are:

Maria Kalinowska
Sue Cheetham
Christine Marriott
Penny Lindsey


For our Parent Mentors to provide a package of support for parents and carers beyond the school day.

Why have Parent Mentors?

At Derrymount we have always provided strong support for parents and families during the school day, during term time and often out of school hours. However, as a school we recognise that there are times when we cannot always be there and that the parents would often benefit from time to talk to others who have direct experience of what they are going through.

Our parents have a wealth of experience and knowledge of services available for youngsters and their families and can offer invaluable support at times when the school staff are not available.

Our Mentors are not there to solve problems for you, but to help make you aware of what is available, where you can turn to or just to be there to talk through issues, problems and feelings you are experiencing.

What you can expect from your Mentor

A Parent Mentor will –

  1. Always be patient.
  2. Respect confidentiality.
  3. Be approachable, empathetic, open minded and non-judgemental.
  4. Be a good listener and respect other people’s opinions.
  5. Be supportive in enabling and encouraging you to speak.
  6. Support you to solve your own problems but not solve problems for you.
  7. Show impartially and not take sides.
  8. Help you build self-esteem, confidence and help make you feel worthwhile.
  9. Know the boundaries of their role.
  10. Offer open advice, signposting.

Remember a Mentors role is one of support not friendship and they are giving their time voluntarily. This mean that they will have limited time and demands from their own children which may impact their availability.

What your Mentor will expect from you

Mentors will expect that –

  1. You understand that they are limited in what they can do and will sign post other services if it is appropriate.
  2. You keep their contact details confidential e.g. don’t pass them on to others even if they are a parent at Derrymount.
  3. You text first when wanting to talk to your mentor to arrange/suggest a time to contact.
  4. You respect that Mentors will not mediate for you or take sides in any disputes with other organisations or bodies.
  5. You understand that although they may sign post you to other services and websites for help they are not responsible for the content or quality of the support these offer.
  6. You understand that any concerns over child protection will be passed on to the designated person in school or other appropriate body if school is closed.
  7. You respect that they are volunteers and have limited time available to support you and will have to plan their time around their own family’s needs.

Contact with Mentors

Mentors and parents may have contact in a number of ways:

  • Via a landline telephone at school
  • Via a Mentors landline home telephone.
  • Via a school mobile phone or private mobile phone
  • Via “text messaging”
  • Face to face at school
  • Face to face in a public place

For more information please phone Derrymount School on 0115 9534015

Endeavour Academy