
General Information

Our Vision:

To enable our school community to achieve the best they can and to become as independent and self-sufficient as possible. To ensure that everyone is empowered to reach their goals and make the most of opportunities that are offered. To recognise and use everyone’s strengths to help and progress others as well as ourselves, and to help each other develop a sense of self-worth and belonging in society.

Our Mission Statement :

Through honesty we build trust, through empathy we gain understanding and, through resilience, we endeavour to succeed

Our Provision

We have two main sites within two miles of each other. Our Lower School site on Churchmoor Lane caters predominantly for young people from primary through to Year 8. Some Year 9 students may have an extra year on this site before transferring to our Upper School site on Sherbrook Road. The Upper School caters for students from Year 9 to Post 16 (Y13).


Admissions are via Nottinghamshire County Council through agreement with the Interim Executive Head Teacher, Mr Neil Davies

Local Offer: our Local Offer document

Governing Body

Finance and Strategic Development Committee and Pupils, Personnel and Behaviour Committee meet half termly. Minutes available on request.

The Full Governing Body meeting Termly. Minutes and financial reports available on request.

Endeavour Academy