Admission Arrangements

As we are a special school our admission arrangements come through the LA special school placement process.

Admissions to Endeavour Academy

All pupils at Endeavour Academy have an Education, Health and Care Plan or a Statement of Special Educational Needs.

Pupil places are allocated through the SEND team at Nottinghamshire County Council. If a request for a place is to be made, contact with the SEND team must be made.

Before entry there should be:

  • Initial tour of the school with office staff.
  • Visit by parents / carers and pupil if possible with a member of the Senior
  • Management Team to discuss the pupils’ strengths/ needs.
  • Possible visits by Derrymount staff to pupil’s current placement
  • Transitions programme set up with parents, current placement and Endeavour Academy

Transitions Programme:

  • Tailored to each individual child
  • Some pupils will require a longer transition than others
  • Transitions will always be arranged with the parents and staff at the current placement
  • Transitions visits will be supported by staff from the current placement
  • Visits will increase in duration and frequency as the programme progresses

Within seven weeks of entry:

  • An assessment of the child’s ability will be carried out
  • An IEP will be written


Visits to the school for prospective students are welcome, however, please be aware that to book a visit your child must either have an EHCP or be in the draft stage of gaining one. Please contact the school office to book a viewing

All the necessary information about admissions to schools is also available on Notts County Council Website.

Endeavour Academy