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Harvest Festival at St Mary’s Church Arnold

On 10th October Derrymount School went along to St Mary’s Church in Arnold to celebrate our Harvest Festival.

We collected an amazing amount of food which will be taken to the local food bank. The fresh fruit and vegetables will go to Emmanuel House and a refugee centre in Nottingham.

Some of our pupils performed on guitars as part of the service and others had brought their paintings of vegetables, salt dough, Harvest Sheaves, and Harvest poems to decorate the church.

Parents and carers also came along, and some came back to school for coffee and biscuits afterwards.

Margaret, the Vicar was really impressed with Derrymount and said we had given more than 20 big bags of food! A big thank you to everyone who helped and contributed something towards those who are in need.

We will be visiting Margaret again at St Mary’s in December for our Christingle.

Well done everyone!
Cathy Clay

Endeavour Academy