Summer 19 Residential
9 Students, 3 staff, 2 countries, lots of fun, very little sleep…
Beamish, Berwick, Edinburgh, Holy Island… Dooddle-do, that was fun!
Leavers’ / P16 Summer Residential
Residential to York and Dalby
Note: please pay the balance for the trip as soon as possible.
- Leave DMS on Monday 18th June, 12.30
- Arrive at school as normal. We will be going to the supermarket to buy provisions for the meals the trip will be providing.
NB. a packed lunch is needed for Monday
- Arrive at school as normal. We will be going to the supermarket to buy provisions for the meals the trip will be providing.
- Return DMS on Thursday 21st June, approx 3pm
Kit list:
Bring a single bag / small suitcase and a small bag/day sack for trips etc
The below is just a guide – please adjust according your own needs.
- Pants (3 days)
- Socks (3 days)
- Trousers & Shorts (weather dependant) (3 days)
- Waterproof coat
- Waterproof trousers
- Sturdy Shoes / trainers
- Casual Shoes (for around town)
- Sun Hat
- Sun Cream
- Fleece
- Jumper / Hoody (couple)
- Pyjamas
- Dressing gown / onesie
- Slippers / indoor shoes
- 2 towels
- Wash Kit
- Torch (spare batteries)
- Watch
- Tshirts (3 days)
- Money for extra activities
- Swimwear
- Camera
- Snack
- Refreshment and snacks
Spending money:
Some spending money for shopping / gifts / souvenirs can be taken (£25 – £35) but please also bring money to cover elements of the trip not covered by the core costs – please see below:
- Monday
- evening meal (pub meal)
- York Dungeon (£11) and/ or Cinema (£6-7)
- Wednesday
- Segway – optional (£5)
- Change for amusements
- Fish and Chip supper
- Dracula walk – optional (£5)Phones and valuables
Students will be encouraged to look after their own valuables (including spending money), but if any students are worried about this, they should let the DMS staff on the trip know.
Phones and chargers can be brought along so as to make a call home in the evenings (if required) but students will be encouraged to use phones just for music and photographs at other times.
A handheld game device can be brought for journeys, but students will be encouraged to not use them at other times.
Any more questions / queries, please get in touch with the school office.